Monday 31 March 2008

Dr Tho does Thorikos

Against my hopes there is a pretty stable, insjallah, unsecured internet connection at our place in Lavriou so I can rant and banter about casual stuff that comes up during the expedition.

So Thorikos, hey?

Well, it's in Greece, in the east of Attica, about three quarters of an hour drive from Athens.
The last campaign we did here was a clean-up action and we basically weeded a big part of the industrial quarters. Whilst doing so we discovered some discrepancies in the ground plans and decided to aim the next campaign at researching and investigating the flaws in the plan.

So here we are, in Thorikos, on a nice mountain with plenty of ruins, a wonderful sunset and pretty nice crew.

But what do we do here?

Well, basically we take a map in hand, walk around, look at structures and discuss their function/dating or whatnot. To make it more difficult we do this with a silly French accent. Why?
Because we are multi-cultural, of course.

My partner in crime is Guy, one of the coolest and most sober people I've met in Archaeology. And since today he's also a retired soldier.

Retirement, hey?

Yes, retirement. Retirement equals champagne, so we had champagne, toast with sausages and cheese as we watched that beautiful sunset mentioned earlier.

I love being me, not only am I so smart, clever, funny and ruggedly handsome, I also have the best job in the world, or will have anyway when I grow up.


Unknown said...

Damn it, if you had been a woman I would have wanted to be you!

Pi-tous said...


ik ben thesisstudente archeologie bij professor Docter. Mijn thesis handelt over toerisme in de Griekse archeologie en één van mijn case studies is Thorikos. Helaas ben ik er ondertussen nog steeds niet geraakt en zal dat ook moeilijk worden in de nabije toekomst. Via wat gegoogle kwam ik op je blog terecht en zag ik dat je er niet zo lang geleden was/nog steeds bent. Heb je toevallig recentefoto's en kan je mij wat info over de laatste ontwikkelingen in de opgravingen meegeven?
Alvast heel erg bedankt,
Nele Matthys

Unknown said...

I am attempting to contact you from Warner Bros. Television. Our production company, the Wolper Organization ( is doing a documentary which requires an archaeologist.

Please email me at:

Dr Tho said...

Nele, als ik nog niet te laat ben kan je mij altijd mailen op